
savory code and other culinary highlights

Integration Tests With Celluloid::IO, Part 1

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While creating Celluloid based applications is more fun than you’d expect from multithreaded programming, testing them has some caveats.

Here’s how we did the test setup with MiniTest and as a bonus I’ll describe a hack to handle worker exceptions correctly in a second post

Vim Modifiable / Readonly Buffer

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Sometimes, vim shows an annoying warning saying

E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
Press ENTER or type command to continue


Changing readonly file
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Ruby: Capturing and Mocking Stdout

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Sometimes, you want to assert that a method under test outputs some specific information to stdout. Or you want to silence all stdout from a library gone rogue (this happened to me once when I had to include a third-party library into a ruby C extension gem).

I wrote a Gem that does this, and MiniTest and RSpec already have matchers for this:

Vim: Staying on the Base Line

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Staying on the touch-typing base line (a, s, d, f, ..) is strongly promoted by the Vim movement keys - but :w, ctrl, escape and more tend to distract my hand position. Here are some of the steps I took to deal with this:

  • map , to Leader
  • map Space to ^
  • map Control-m to save all
  • dual-map Caps Lock
  • map jj to Escape in insert mode
  • remap window focus movement
  • map Escape-Escape to nohlsearch

Unmasking Exceptions

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Raising core StandardErrors can mask bugs in your code layer. But even re-raising exceptions from deeper service layers can mask errors that have nothing to do with the current exception use case.